Pentagrams (a five pointed star) and Pentacles (a pentagram inside a circle) have been widely used by followers of different religions.
It is also one of the most easy to reproduce.Many authors and historians have debated as to the meaning of this symbol...some say each of its 5 edges represent the 5 elements of nature:earth,water,air,fire and space.
while some say that it represents the female form!
how you may ask?
well firstly there are two theories to this claim:
1.two triangles when placed together(one inverted) form the most beautiful and simple design of the 5 pointed star.Now,according to historians the star shape resembles the beautiful and complex body of the female form! (i cant find any references to how!)also the female kind was one of the most revered because of its power to give birth and bring life onto this earth.Though in later times the female kind was subjected to many a ridiculous claims of witchcraft and other idiotic stuff which i will discuss in my future posts.
2.now the second claim is more of an astronomical one, Venus(the planet) as all know is the Greek god of love and also represents the female form. The planet while in its movement in the sky traces out a 5 pointed star in the sky...this is nothing but normal orbiting behavior of the planet(it just looks like its tracing the star,but in reality it does nothing of the sort,its just that the movement of the earth and venus makes it looks like that!) but..yes it is the only planet that does this..and as you see why the ancient Greeks associated the star with the female kind.
The cross:in the next post
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