Wayne Herschel, who was born in 1959 now living in Cape Town, has always had a passion for the unexplained and the mysterious. In his childhood, a strange sighting of lights in the sky, which was later well publicised in the media as a mass sighting, made an indelible impression on him. Like others before him who had been privileged to experience a paranormal event, he was inspired by the realisation that we cannot possibly be alone in the universe.
This would become a powerful new point of reference for him in reasoning humankind's ancient historical heritage… which remains shrouded in mystery to this very day.
Many years later, in his early twenties, Wayne had another brush with the 'unexplained' in a motor cycle accident during a cross country event. He vividly recalls having had what is well documented as a so called 'near death experience'.
Wayne had lost his pulse rate completely and while a medic was administering cardiovascular resuscitation, he clearly remembers looking down at what was going on and existing as consciousness… outside his body! This completely changed his attitude to life. He had experienced first hand confirmation not only that the human soul exists, but that it seems to exist without physical life, and must therefore have a larger long term purpose. Wayne believes he returned to his body with a lot more than what he had left with. He had an experience he would later piece together identifying a journey back home to the place where all souls originate from. He believes he had an encounter with what ancient records call The Cosmic Tree of Life. (See Oneism link below).
Two extraordinary life experiences are the prime reason his research base would be different to that of scholars.
Wayne suddenly had an insatiable appetite on subjects like astronomy, the pyramids and ancient paranormal events… an obsession that would ultimately culminate in intensive and relentless research. With qualifications no greater than high school and an inquiring mind, he began to make a habit of visiting his local libraries and bookshops on a regular basis for anything he could lay his hands on that would explain his strange experience with his quest for 'the meaning of life'. Seven years of
exhaustive research had culminated in a huge file of photocopies, when suddenly one day quite unexpectedly a newly released book caught his eye in the book stores. It was Robert Bauval's The Orion Mystery. It was after reading this author's Giza/Orion's belt finding that Wayne's ideas became more focused, to the level where they became such an obsession that he eventually sat down to co-ordinate a manuscript of his own. Wayne felt strongly compelled to look at a larger interpretation than that of Bauval's… an interpretation that would incorporate all the pyramids of Lower Egypt.
With his astronomy background he made his first major discovery that would set off a chain of linking new groundbreaking findings. Findings that would link the beginnings of human life on Earth not only from a another star system in the heavens but proving pyramid civilisations once also existed on Mars while it was the jewel of the solar system.
It was with the arrival of the new millennium that he met Birgitt Lederer in a serendipitous encounter that would bring the book project into fruition. The book "The Hidden Records" co-written by Birgitt Lederer became available internationally and found on Amazon by 2003.The videos directly below offer previews on Wayne's latest work in support of his theory and his spiritual quest. The Solomon Key lost symbol parchment is about to become well known and important since it is the main part of one of the world's most famous author's next books. Wayne was by chance able to decipher The Solomon Key lost symbol in 2003 (publishing a preview of the deciphered message through a few top periodicals securing copyrights 2003-2006) since it holds the same star secret he had discovered encoded within ancient civilisations. The lost symbol on the Solomon Key parchment discovery.The Hiram Key, and Key of St Peter are expected to be covered in Dan Brown's Lost Symbol epic... his next novel that launches in September 2009.
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