changed it's Location...with better features...a whole Video and Photo Gallery...and more symbols..and a lot more!!!
come...join...and learn and seek the truth....
December 13, 2009
September 29, 2009
people are loving it,i mean its Dan brown!
he is the guy..who told the world that Jesus had a girlfriend!..what more can you expect?
but does the lost symbol deserve the praise that is being showered upon it?
some may say yes..and i know quite a few people who would say NO!!
Lets start with the book:
Its the same Dan brown stuff, with parallel stories, changing tracks, flashbacks, extensive descriptions of symbols or even people in this book.
Robert Langdon is again back with memories of his Harvard lectures, cheeky lines etc. not much of a character change for a person who found out the greatest cover up on earth?
Sophie doesn’t come in nor does vittoria (I hoped at least he would mention them) we have a new girl on the block, Katherine, she's hot too! .
Then there is peter Solomon, malakh(dangerous) and many other characters come up from time to time. (Again typical Dan brown)
The amazing thing is that Robert Langdon can jump from helicopters, chase mental criminals, stop secret societies and yet he is afraid of small places? Strange!
The book is based only in Washington D.C, which was disappointment for me, seeing that the other books had so much travel in them.
And when we are talking Dan brown, we can’t ignore hi-tech gadgets can we? This book has loads of them, many which I liked a lot!
the story in sense of emotional content or drama is pretty good, especially the twist in the end, I loved that part but after that the book fails your expectations! what I mean is that when Da Vinci code came out and I read it, I was blown away by the content and the mind-blowing revelation, but this book does not do anything of that sort!
While it does talk about secret societies and legends and mystic secrets, all of them well sound just like stories and there is no gripping excitement about them, the revelation in the end here in the lost symbol is a real low, I didn’t expect that from Dan brown!
The book is like an encyclopedia for freemasonry (anyone will tell you that). The amount of information about freemasonry and its rituals is mind-boggling! how on earth did he know about the rituals that were secrets for almost 500 years?
All the legends and stuff too are impressive but they all are unfinished! he doesn’t explain everything(which is not possible too, in a book, he has to maintain the pace) but still, more could have been told and seeing that he knows so much, he of course would have known those parts too.
The book's structure is as if Dan was made to delete some portions and had to fill them with other stories or information, especially the end where its almost like a poem, filled with personifications and metaphors as if he is trying to conceal something in the book itself but yet wants you to decipher it! this really gets you thinking "is Dan telling us something?" he didn’t want others to understand? Who knows? Maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t!
he also talks extensively about God v/s Man topic which he did in angels and demons, and it is actually quite a read provided that you not stay on one side of the story and accept both the facts, which is again what crops up in this book, unbiased analysis which is good to a certain extent and is ok!.
There are lines in the book that you just have to love; my favorite is about Robert being in a cult!
The end of the book is more like a personality development course (read the book and you will know why!), Dan browns writing has also improved to say the least, but there are some parts where you jus feel like turning the pages and finish the book! :(
But the pace of the book is what Dan brown excels in! Its non-stop, full of adventures, action, emotion all in one package.
And that is what people have loved about it, that is the “only” thing people have loved and not the secrets.
Over all how is the lost symbol? Its a damn good read but only a casual read and nothing from it can excite your brain cells, like what Da Vinci code did, atleast for me.
The lost symbol hides more secrets than it reveals! More in the next post, and please leave some comments below!
September 24, 2009
September 9, 2009
September 6, 2009
September 4, 2009
Wayne Herschel

Wayne Herschel, who was born in 1959 now living in Cape Town, has always had a passion for the unexplained and the mysterious. In his childhood, a strange sighting of lights in the sky, which was later well publicised in the media as a mass sighting, made an indelible impression on him. Like others before him who had been privileged to experience a paranormal event, he was inspired by the realisation that we cannot possibly be alone in the universe.
This would become a powerful new point of reference for him in reasoning humankind's ancient historical heritage… which remains shrouded in mystery to this very day.
Many years later, in his early twenties, Wayne had another brush with the 'unexplained' in a motor cycle accident during a cross country event. He vividly recalls having had what is well documented as a so called 'near death experience'.
Wayne had lost his pulse rate completely and while a medic was administering cardiovascular resuscitation, he clearly remembers looking down at what was going on and existing as consciousness… outside his body! This completely changed his attitude to life. He had experienced first hand confirmation not only that the human soul exists, but that it seems to exist without physical life, and must therefore have a larger long term purpose. Wayne believes he returned to his body with a lot more than what he had left with. He had an experience he would later piece together identifying a journey back home to the place where all souls originate from. He believes he had an encounter with what ancient records call The Cosmic Tree of Life. (See Oneism link below).
Two extraordinary life experiences are the prime reason his research base would be different to that of scholars.
Wayne suddenly had an insatiable appetite on subjects like astronomy, the pyramids and ancient paranormal events… an obsession that would ultimately culminate in intensive and relentless research. With qualifications no greater than high school and an inquiring mind, he began to make a habit of visiting his local libraries and bookshops on a regular basis for anything he could lay his hands on that would explain his strange experience with his quest for 'the meaning of life'. Seven years of
exhaustive research had culminated in a huge file of photocopies, when suddenly one day quite unexpectedly a newly released book caught his eye in the book stores. It was Robert Bauval's The Orion Mystery. It was after reading this author's Giza/Orion's belt finding that Wayne's ideas became more focused, to the level where they became such an obsession that he eventually sat down to co-ordinate a manuscript of his own. Wayne felt strongly compelled to look at a larger interpretation than that of Bauval's… an interpretation that would incorporate all the pyramids of Lower Egypt.
With his astronomy background he made his first major discovery that would set off a chain of linking new groundbreaking findings. Findings that would link the beginnings of human life on Earth not only from a another star system in the heavens but proving pyramid civilisations once also existed on Mars while it was the jewel of the solar system.
It was with the arrival of the new millennium that he met Birgitt Lederer in a serendipitous encounter that would bring the book project into fruition. The book "The Hidden Records" co-written by Birgitt Lederer became available internationally and found on Amazon by 2003.The videos directly below offer previews on Wayne's latest work in support of his theory and his spiritual quest. The Solomon Key lost symbol parchment is about to become well known and important since it is the main part of one of the world's most famous author's next books. Wayne was by chance able to decipher The Solomon Key lost symbol in 2003 (publishing a preview of the deciphered message through a few top periodicals securing copyrights 2003-2006) since it holds the same star secret he had discovered encoded within ancient civilisations. The lost symbol on the Solomon Key parchment discovery.The Hiram Key, and Key of St Peter are expected to be covered in Dan Brown's Lost Symbol epic... his next novel that launches in September 2009.
Hidden Records by wayne herschel

the Hidden records by wayne herschel is an amazing book...all about pyramids,aliens..orion corellation theory..and many other mysteries...the most important being...the origins of humankind!
more here:
August 23, 2009
Origins of Christianity
August 20, 2009
August 17, 2009
Lost symbols

The following image is courtesy of Wayne Herschel(cool dude) :)
an historian about symbols and all things cool...from south Africa.,
Wayne recently published a book called the hidden records. mind blowing stuff...!!
It deals with the finding of the Solomon key parchment,star maps,pyramids of Egypt, the key of Solomon,hidden symbols and architecture in the buildings surrounding Vatican, the Washington monument, and also the mysterious face on mars!!
The Hidden Records was aired on TV doc Carte Blanche and Coast to Coast.
visit the following links to know more, i don't wanna give away too much!:
August 16, 2009
the true cross:
these links will provide you with info. on the history or the myth or legend or...whatever you wanna say about the remains of the true cross...i.e...the cross on which Jesus Christ died!!
anymore sites you know about...plz do tell me...leave a comment!
The Christian cross

Now who hasn' seen a cross???
stupid question really!!!!
Christian cross is the best-known religious symbol of Christianity. It is a representation of the instrument of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
The cross-shaped sign, represented in its simplest form by a crossing of two lines at right angles, greatly antedates, in both East and West, the introduction of Christianity. It goes back to a very remote period of human civilization. It is supposed to have been used not just for its ornamental value, but also with religious significance.
During the first two centuries of Christianity, the cross may have been rare in Christian iconography, as it depicts a purposely painful and gruesome method of public execution. The Jewish Encyclopedia says:
The cross as a Christian symbol or "seal" came into use at least as early as the second century.this indicate that the cross was not given the status of a religious symbol before the 2nd century.(during the time and reign of constantine)
but...yes..the strong symbolism of the cross cannot be ignored,In Christianity the cross reminds Christians of God's act of love and Christ's sacrifice.
The cross also reminds Christians of Jesus' victory over sin and death, since it is believed that through His death and resurrection He conquered death itself.

An obelisk is a tall, narrow, four-sided, tapering monument which ends in a pyramid-like shape at the top.Obelisks were prominent in the architecture of the ancient Egyptians.The obelisk symbolized the sun god Amon Re, and during the brief religious reformation of Akhenaten was said to be a petrified ray of the Aten, the sundisk. It was also thought that the god existed within the structure.The pyramid and obelisk would have been inspired by previously overlooked astronomical phenomena connected with sunrise and sunset: the zodiacal light and sun pillars respectively.
The Ancient Romans were strongly influenced by the obelisk form.Rome is the obelisk capital of the world. The most prominent is the 25.5 m/83.6 ft high 331 ton obelisk at Saint Peter's Square in Rome.
the most famous obelisks in Egypt are:
Pharaoh Tuthmosis I, Karnak Temple, Luxor
Pharaoh Ramses II, Luxor Temple
Pharaoh Hatshepsut, Karnak Temple, Luxor
Pharaoh Senusret I, Al-Masalla area of Al-Matariyyah district in Heliopolis, Cairo
Pharaoh Ramses III, Luxor Museum
Pharaoh Ramses II, Gezira Island, Cairo, 20.4 m[14]
Pharaoh Ramses II, Cairo International Airport, 16.97 m
Pharaoh Seti II, Karnak Temple, Luxor, 7 m
Pharaoh Senusret I, Faiyum (ancient site of Crocodilopolis), 12.9 m
Also the most mysterious of oblesiks is the Washington Monument in Washington DC, USA, measuring 555 feet 5.5 inches (169.29 m) in height, is the world's tallest true obelisk; completed in 1884.
it may feature in dan browns next novel the lost symbol
(visit all the links in the post,loads of info)
August 14, 2009
The 5 pointed star or the pentagram

Pentagrams (a five pointed star) and Pentacles (a pentagram inside a circle) have been widely used by followers of different religions.
It is also one of the most easy to reproduce.Many authors and historians have debated as to the meaning of this symbol...some say each of its 5 edges represent the 5 elements of nature:earth,water,air,fire and space.
while some say that it represents the female form!
how you may ask?
well firstly there are two theories to this claim:
1.two triangles when placed together(one inverted) form the most beautiful and simple design of the 5 pointed star.Now,according to historians the star shape resembles the beautiful and complex body of the female form! (i cant find any references to how!)also the female kind was one of the most revered because of its power to give birth and bring life onto this earth.Though in later times the female kind was subjected to many a ridiculous claims of witchcraft and other idiotic stuff which i will discuss in my future posts. the second claim is more of an astronomical one, Venus(the planet) as all know is the Greek god of love and also represents the female form. The planet while in its movement in the sky traces out a 5 pointed star in the sky...this is nothing but normal orbiting behavior of the planet(it just looks like its tracing the star,but in reality it does nothing of the sort,its just that the movement of the earth and venus makes it looks like that!) but..yes it is the only planet that does this..and as you see why the ancient Greeks associated the star with the female kind.
The cross:in the next post
whats a symbol???
A symbol is something such as an object, picture, written word, sound, or particular mark that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention.
Enough of technical terms.....its more likely a visualization of a particular word or phrase which is easy to remember.
All languages are made up of symbols. In his work, On Interpretation, Aristotle teaches that:
Spoken words are the symbols of mental experience, and written words are the symbols of spoken words.
The study or interpretation of symbols is known as symbology, and the study of signs is known as semiotics.
further on we will see all about religious symbolism...